
Zodiac Pantheon

Scions of Dark Scions of Light
Symbol Name Title Alignment Suggested Domains Symbol Name Title Alignment Suggested Domains Zodiac Sign Element
Belias the Gigas Chaotic Neutral War Loghrif the Transcendent Neutral Knowledge Aries, the Ram Fire
Chaos Walker of the Wheel Neutral Trickery Mitron the Chastiser Chaotic Good Tempest, Trickery Taurus, the Bull Wind
Symbol of Zalera Zalera the Death Seraph Chaotic Evil Death Symbol of Emet-Selch Emet-Selch Angel of Truth Lawful Neutral Knowledge Gemini, the Twins Death
Symbol of Zeromus Zeromus the Condemner Chaotic Evil Judgment Symbol of Pashtarot Pashtarot Knight-Star Lawful Good War Cancer, the Crab Force
Symbol of Hashmal Hashmal Bringer of Order Lawful Evil Nature, War Symbol of Fandaniel Fandaniel the Protector Neutral Good Life Leo, the Lion Earth
Exodus the Judge-Sal Lawful Evil Judgment, Knowledge Halmarut the Arbiter Chaotic Good Judgment, War Libra, the Scales Arcane
Cúchulainn the Impure Chaotic Evil Nature Nabriales the Majestic Lawful Neutral Nature Scorpio, the Scorpion Poison
Symbol of Shemhazai Shemhazai the Betrayer Lawful Evil Death Igeyorhm the Martyr Chaotic Good Judgment, Light Sagittarius, the Archer Soul
Adrammelech the Wroth Chaotic Evil War Deudalaphon the Benevolent Lawful Good Tempest Capricorn, the Goat Thunder
Famfrit the Darkening Cloud Chaotic Neutral Tempest Emmeroloth Holy Queen Lawful Good Life Aquarius, the Water Bearer Water
Symbol of Mateus Mateus the Corrupt Chaotic Evil Death, Trickery Lahabrea Abyssal Celebrant Neutral Good Light Pisces, the Fish Ice

Exalted Scions
Symbol Name Title Alignment Domain Zodiac Sign Element
Symbol of Ultima Ultima the High Seraph Lawful Good Life, Light Virgo, the Virgin Holy
Zodiark Keeper of Precepts Chaotic Neutral Knowledge Ophiuchus, the Snake Bearer Darkness